Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Huanchaco VII, VIII-Huaraz I

Acrobats, clowns, kids
Candied apples, popcorn. The
circus leaves me sad.

After going to a small circus in the poor part of town my eyes were opened to why there seems to be so much machismo and sexism in Peru. Terrible.

The sun sinks into
the vast ocean, fairing well
to a lovely day.

Not all is ugly here, in fact, beauty surrounds!

He llegado hoy
Donde los montanas son
y mi corazón

Blown away by the distant alpine beauty.


  1. You are climbing Hatun Machay now, which, according to Rockclimbing.com is "the BEST climbing destination in Peru." Tell us if it's so.

    Here's to "Hatun Machay":

    Hat and Matching gloves,
    Above Hate and Machismo,
    I climb with condors.

  2. Dad, your haiku are just great! Thank you. Thank you for expressing what I am feeling, thats amazing to me. Hatun Machay is the best for sport and bouldering, I bet! I had a blast. But not use to the sharpness of the stone and fingers yell and ankle is sore but all is very well and I give thanks. I love you dad.
